Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ron Weasley

He is a member of the Gryffindor house. Ron is present in most of the action throughout the series due to his friendship with Harry.

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005) Ron, who has grown taller over the summer, attracts the attention of Lavender Brown.
Hermione Granger

Emma Watson as Hermione Jean Granger (pronounced /hərˈmaɪ.əni dʒiːn ˈɡreɪndʒər/) is a fictional character. She initially appears in the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as a new student on her way to Hogwarts. As the series progresses, she becomes close friends with Harry Potter and often uses her quick wit and encyclopaedic knowledge to help him. Hermione is a Muggle-born Gryffindor student, and the best friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.
Hermione Granger Appearances On Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is her feelings for Ron continue to grow and she decides to make a move by inviting him to Slughorn's Christmas Party, but he romances Lavender instead in retaliation for Hermione having kissed Krum. She attempts to retaliate by dating McLaggen at the Christmas party, but her plan goes bust and she abandons him midway through the party. Ron and Hermione continually feud with each other until he suffers a bout of near-fatal poisoning from tainted mead, which frightens her enough to reconcile with him. Following Dumbledore's death, Ron and Hermione both vow to stay by Harry's side regardless of what happens.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Places From Harry Potter
The Gryffindor Common Room
Outside the haven of Gryffindor students is the portrait of the beloved Fat Lady. Give her the password and she will allow you entrance. Inside the Gryffindor Common Room are many comfy, cozy, squishy and squashy armchairs. Scattered are some tables that hold the spell books of tired and stressed students. Two staircases go separate ways, one to the girls' dormitory, and one to the boys'. But they all unite every once in a while for a good party hosted with snacks from Fred and George Weasley.
The Slytherin Common Room
The Slytherin Common Room is underground, quite different from Gryffindor Tower. Lamps hang by chains from the rough ceiling, and add a greenish tinge to the room. Though the place is undoubtedly dark and rather gloomy, an elaborately carved mantelpiece hangs above a noisy but splendidly warm fire. And don't forget the stylish chairs that have oversized backs, to hide the Slytherin's cunning head.
Professor McGonagoll's office/classroom
Known to be one of Hogwarts' strictest teachers, Professor McGonagoll is not someone to cross. She can change her furniture into farm animals. And if that doesn't shock you, you should see what she gives to students when they are in trouble. You shouldn't be late to her class, or else she might turn you into a pocket watch. So I suggest you take a seat in one of the many tables and pay rapt attention to her teachings of Transfiguration, sometimes shown on the drawing board.
The Dungeon (Snape's Classroom)
Almost every Hogwarts student dreads the dank, smelly classroom of Professor Severus Snape, but potions are required of every Hogwarts student below sixth year. So it is obviously very important to try and ignore the pickled animals floating in glass jars around you. It is very cold, and all around the classroom, in the various cabinets and jars are stored precious ingredients to make the most difficult potions, and various magical substances are also found here. The floor, which is made of stone, often falls victim to a cauldron spilling, and occasionally, a student can even escape the watchful eyes of the professor when this happens. Perhaps even long enough to make a quick dash to the cabinet to grab some shredded skin of boomslang.
Dumbedore's Office
The Headmaster's office is truly a safe and marvelous place to be. There you can find portraits of the former headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts, all probably snoozing away as soon as your muggle feet step inside the large, circular room. A number of amazing silver wizard instruments stand on long, narrow tables, and all work to perfection. Fawkes, the headmaster's pet Phoenix should be there staring at you curiously, and the Sorting Hat might even say, 'Hello!' If you really want to be daring, you might want to find the Pensieve in a drawer, but it would suit you well to stay put, and wait for the headmaster to return from his duties, and to sit in his high chair as the supreme learned one of Hogwarts.
Hagrid's Hut
The jolly half-giant, gamekeeper and Care of Magical Creatures Teacher, lives in a small hut at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Inside is only one room, with a large bed in the corner. Game and fowl hang from the ceiling, and there is no stove, just an open fire. Undoubtedly, there are many cabinets that contain kettles, cooking pots and large tea mugs, some of which have held a rat in the past.
The Great Hall
The Great Hall of Hogwarts is where Hogwart's hungry students come to enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many great feasts are also held here, like the Halloween feast, the Christmas feast, and the end of the year feast. For each feast, the decorations are changed, but remain extravagant. Still, the five long tables remain, for placed vertically, one placed horizontally. And don't forget, the ceiling depicts the weather outside.
The Hogwarts Quidditch Field
This is where every student at Hogwarts wants to be. Some are just happy to be sitting in the raised seats, but some dream of flying around on the field, playing the glorious game of Quidditch. On either edge of the field are three fifty feet high hoops.
The Defense Against the Dark Arts Room
Here, is Hogwarts most renowned class. The job, rumored to be jinxed, has head a new teacher every school year. The first year, when Professor Quirrel taught this class, you might have come out smelling strongly of garlic. When Gilderoy Lockhart took up the job, you would have learned about how he banished a banshee, or some equally heroic feat. The walls were covered with his pictures. When Professor Lupin taught, the classroom was filled with excitement, possibly about the fact that they were actually going to learn something, or because there was a terrifying monster at the front of the room. And 'Alastor Moody' also taught, and then, the room was filled with dark arts detectors. But, the room got the biggest makeover when Dolores Jane Umbdrige came to Hogwarts. The room was astonishingly pretty in pink.
The Prefect's Bathroom
You might think it terribly boring to be a prefect of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but you might change your mind if you could only see the bathroom of the prestigious prefects. There is a swimming pool in the middle of the bathroom, which is made of white marble as is the rest of the bathroom. It is lit by a wonderfully beautiful candle-lit chandelier. Around the pool's edges are many golden-colored taps with a brilliantly colored jewel inset into the tap. The taps supply different kinds of bubble-bath. There's even a diving board beside the swimming pool. You'll find towels to be in stock, but privacy might be a little harder to fetch, although no one will watch from the windows. If you're a rather good-looking young man, you might find Moaning Myrtle watching you, or the beautiful blonde mermaid flirting with you.
Flourish and Blott's Wizard Bookshop
In Diagon Alley lies Flourish and Blott's, the wizard bookshop. They carry every kind of wizard book, autobiographies, and history books, spell books, etc. Hogwarts students come here to buy their books before the start of term. Often, famous authors can be found here amidst the endless number of fans vying for their autograph.
Ollivander's Wand Shop
Every wizard or witch needs a wand. And no one sells finer wands in Diagon Alley then Ollivanders, in business since 382 B.C. The place is dusty and quiet, but that shouldn't ruin its reputation. Ollivander's has sold wands to famous and powerful wizards, such as Lily and James Potter, Harry Potter and even He-who-must-not-be-named. The wands comes in a narrow box, and there are seemingly thousands of wands, piled high to the ceiling. A very lovely selection of wands indeed, but you must remember: The wand chooses the wizard.
Many young wizards, such as the famous Harry Potter, eagerly await the trip to Hogwarts from Platform 9 3/4. In order to do that though, they must go to King's Cross Station in London, by way of muggle transportation since it is a muggle train station. Between Platforms 9 and 10, there is a barrier. To any muggle this wall seems perfectly solid. But to Hogwarts students; however, it is the gateway to getting away from home and getting to Hogwarts. Through the barrier one goes, and then they find themselves among a horde of students, all saying goodbye to parents. Such is the bitter sweetness of platform 9 '.
The Hogwarts Express
The brilliant red train is one of the many treasured ways of transportation for Harry Potter. He can fly on his broomstick, travel by Floo Powder, get hurled by a portkey or nearly fall out of a flying Ford Anglia. In any which way, young Harry enjoys traveling on the steam engine the most. Mainly Hogwarts students ride it, as the only three adults ever to be reported on board are the food lady, the Hogwarts Express conductor and former Professor Remus J. Lupin. There have also been reports of missing toads, biting rats, and scary dementors on the wonderfully huge train.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Loyal Wizards & Witches of Harry Potter Hogwarts.
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